Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Double Your Dating

“Mistakes with Women That Screw Up First Dates”

How Men Screw Up First Dates and How to Avoid Making These Dating Mistakes Men Make With Women

By David DeAngelo
I get a lot of guys who write in to ask me how to behave around women. Many of those questions focus on the first meeting or the first date.
I thought I’d share a concept that I feel is VITAL to understand if you’re wondering how to behave around a woman you’ve just met.

A Mistake Almost Every Guy Makes

I’ve noticed a KEY difference between the way men and women act when they meet a “potential mate.”
Women usually act in a way that can be characterized like this:
“You’re interesting to me. I’d like to get to know you better, and we can see where this goes.”
Men usually act in a way that can be characterized like this:
“I am so interested in you that I’m nervous. In fact, I’m already thinking of you as a potential girlfriend or wife… or at least a one-night stand.”
In other words, women are usually casual and laid-back when they’re first meeting a guy…
But GUYS tend to act like every girl is a POTENTIAL WIFE.
As you can imagine, this creates a lot of tension and pressure.
And I’m not talking about the GOOD kind, but the kind that makes men shiver and shake with nervousness, and women feel uncomfortable because the MAN is acting uncomfortable.
I KNOW that you can relate to this in some way.

The Answer

The simple solution to this is…
If you start acting all freakish and nervous when you’re talking to a woman, stop yourself and try one of the different approaches I teach on my eBook, “Double Your Dating.”
My favorite is to ASSUME that every woman has SOMETHING that’s going to annoy me, bother me, or SCREW UP HER CHANCES with me.
The MAIN reason that I do this is…
The fact is that MOST women are NOT compatible “long term” with most men. In other words, if you do get into a long-term relationship with a particular woman, the chances are that she’s going to have things about her that you don’t like.
One of my favorite Cocky & Funny themes to follow is “You’re screwing up your chances with me”.
Let’s say I’m walking down the street with a girl to have a cup of tea. Let’s assume that she and I just met the night before, I got her number, and now we’re walking from my place to tea.
On the way, she trips over the doorway or spills her tea.
I might look at her, shake my head in an            
 “overly dramatic fake annoyed” way, and say
“This relationship just isn’t going to work” or 
“What did I tell you about this kind of behavior?”.
In other words, I’m communicating the very 
OPPOSITE of “You’re a potential wife.” I’m 
saying “I’m so comfortable around you that I
 can even make fun of you without caring
 what you think of me”.
Does this sound a little crazy?
Good. It should.
But trust me
I didn’t develop Cocky & Funny ideas overnight… I researched a lot, so trust me. I share plenty of ideas like this one on my eBook Double Your Dating. After you read it and apply them, just send me an email saying “you were right” and I’ll reply “I told you so.” If you spend a couple of hours having regular, normal conversation… being Cocky & Funny, enjoying yourself, and generally demonstrating that you could care less how things turn out, you’ll be FAR more likely to take things further than if you act as if she might be the love of your life and you wind up acting so nervous, stilted, and DUMB that she runs away.
Lean back. Be cool. Make jokes about her screwing up her chances with you. Tell her that she’s a nice friend. Assume that she has qualities that are going to annoy you, then point them out (in a Cocky & Funny way, of course).
Don’t lose your composure. It can be fatal if you do.
Another note:
Most guys don’t “get” women.
They look for tricks and “pick up lines ”when it comes time to LEARN how to meet women and don’t realize that all the tricks in the world aren’t going to help them if they don’t UNDERSTAND what’s “going on”.
That’s where my eBook comes in…
In it, I teach everything from the ground up on how to take things all the way from beginning to end… from the first meeting through the first date… all the way to the bedroom, and beyond.
You’ll learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs about women… how to eliminate your fears of talking to women… how to make women feel ATTRACTION for you, even if you don’t have money or looks, etc.
In other words, it’s a complete system.
You’ll learn everything you need to know in order to start meeting and dating more women IMMEDIATELY.
All the details are here… check it out: Double Your Dating Free Trial

“Should Guys Buy Women Drinks?”

David DeAngelo Gives You The Answer To The Ageless Question: Is Buying Drinks for Women a Good Thing or Not?

By David DeAngelo
We've all been there… you're out with a woman, buying drinks, buying food… and nothing to show for it at the end of the night. Stop wasting your time and money - and find out EXACTLY how to handle these situations - as David D. answers this reader's question:
I met this fairly hot chick (7.5) at the bar a couple weeks back. At first I was out of it, didn't know what to say (was a long day), and when my buddy was working her friend I just wandered off after just saying hi. I got my beer, wandered back after taking a time out to come up with a few lines and that's when things got interesting. I could tell that she was sorta confused that I just said hi and walked off and didn't just stay there while my buddy worked. Awesome. So I come back, busted on her a bunch, then wandered off … again. Things move on, I go talk to my other buddies who are with us, see her on the dance floor (buddy still in tow with “The Friend”), and now I'm getting warmed up with the C&F. I see this dude with the ugliest sweater ever created, point it out to her, and I asked her if she thought he had skinned his couch to make that thing. She loved it…
[Later] had she not played the “we're drunk, lets not have sex” card I would have surely closed the deal… on our first time out after the bar meeting.
Dave, your teachings are truly amazing. I do have one question for you. I KNOW you're not supposed to buy everything because it's wussy (and expensive), but what do you do when you're out, you get round one because you lost a bet to this chick, and when round two comes she just sits there expecting you to buy?
JMS Detroit

>>>My Comments:

Well, I'd first like to comment on your story of how you met this particular girl.
You've really provided a great example of
how to be very DIFFERENT than most guys,
 and how to integrate a lot of my ideas
 together and successfully apply them.
The idea of walking up to a woman, saying
 “hi,” and then WALKING AWAY is great (only
 if you're reasonably sure that you're going to
 see her again… like in a typical bar scenario).
What do MOST guys do?
They start talking to a woman, KEEP talking to her, try to get a “normal” conversation going, try to buy her a drink, etc.
In your case, you TEASED her mind by doing something unexpected… you said hi, then walked away.
This leaves her to wonder things like:
“Why did he leave?”
“Maybe he thought I was attractive, but then when I opened my mouth he didn't like my personality.”
“Why didn't he offer to buy me a drink or come on to me like the other guys here?”
…etc. etc. etc.
It shows that you have self control, that you have things to do, that you could take her or leave her.

About paying for drinks and dates…

The reality of the situation is that most women EXPECT a man to pay for a date.
I've had this conversation with MANY, MANY women, and when I challenge them and explain that it sets up an imbalance when a man starts paying for things in the beginning, most women start saying things like:
  • “I don't like cheap men.”
  • “A gentleman will always pay for a lady.”
  • “I don't want a guy who can't afford to take me out.”
In my humble, personal opinion, the best way to avoid having to pay for a woman's dinner is to NOT TAKE HER OUT TO DINNER IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I know that it seems obvious, and you've heard me say this in 100 different ways, but you REALLY CAN avoid paying for things by just avoiding the SITUATIONS.
If she feels a powerful emotional ATTRACTION for you, then nothing else matters.
Look around.
There are beautiful, intelligent, successful women that you probably know RIGHT NOW who are with guys who mistreat them… guys who the women even have to support entirely in many cases…
Well, it all started with ATTRACTION.
And that's what you should focus on… CREATING ATTRACTION… not wasting money on fancy dates and food and drinks.
If I had to think of an easy way to help you get started and learn EXACTLY how to create attraction fast with any woman… I would tell you to go check out my eBook “Double Your Dating.”
You can learn the BASIC of how to create attraction and I also share with you some great ideas for inexpensive or free places to take women, no drinks or expensive dinners required. Go get more information here: Double Your Dating Free Tria

“How To Impress ANY Woman”

David DeAngelo Shows You How to Stop Trying to Impress Women and How to Actually Impress Women


By David DeAngelo
I’ve learned a secret to impressing women that I’m going to share with you right now.
It’s a secret that probably not 1 in 1,000 men knows or will ever figure out on his own.
The REASON that most men will never figure out this particular secret is that it’s TOO OBVIOUS.
Let me explain…
I personally think that most men feel a very powerful desire to IMPRESS women.
If you watch the way a man behaves when he’s talking to a woman he’s just met or a woman that he’s on a first date with, you can SEE IT.
Maybe you’ve been there yourself.
I know I have. Many, many times, in fact.
The feeling that you need to impress a woman usually comes along with another feeling: DON’T SCREW THIS UP.
Here are some of the signs that a guy is feeling the need to “impress” the woman that he’s talking to:
1. He tries to only say “cool” things, or things that will “impress” the woman.
2. He acts nervous and stilted during the conversation… sometimes coming across as “formal”.
3. He tries to figure out what the woman wants to hear.
4. If he says something that the woman doesn’t like, he “back-pedals” and tries to change what he said to suit the woman.
5. He doesn’t say anything “risky”, doesn’t tease the woman, and doesn’t do anything to upset her.
…in other words, when a guy is talking to a woman that he “likes”, he’s usually on his “best behavior” and he’s trying to “put his best foot forward”.
And this drive to impress often makes them act UNNATURAL.

There’s your first hint, in fact…

The Secret To Impressing Women

Remember at the beginning when I told you  
 that I was going to share a secret with you
 about how to impress women that not 1 in
1,000 men will figure out on their own?
Well, here it is:

If you will just STOP TRYING to impress women, and do the things I’m teaching you instead, women will NATURALLY be “impressed” by you.

What To Do Instead

OK, so you’re out having a cup of tea with a beautiful woman you just met a few days before…
She asks you what you do for a living.
Should you answer with:
1. “Well, I’m an engineer for a software company that makes sophisticated vector widget plotting algorithms. I’ve been with them for three years, and I’m about to be promoted to ALGORITHM MANAGER.“
2. “I do stunt work. Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to reveal his naked ass? That’s my job.”
3. …?
Well, it all depends on what your outcome is.
If you want to try and IMPRESS the girl with your cool high-tech job, then #1 will work just fine.
Unfortunately, it won’t impress her at all and it will make you sound like a jackass who is trying to sound cool.
If you want to ACTUALLY impress her, try #2.
Most men don’t have the BALLS to say something like this when a woman asks a “serious” question like “What do you do?”
If you REALLY want to make a long-lasting impression, KEEP THE HUMOR GOING.
She’ll say “No, really… what do you do?”
Answer with: “No, really. Haven’t you ever seen it when an actor needs a stunt ass? I mean hey… someone’s got to do it”.
There are other things you can do that will INSTANTLY impress a woman… and I mean REALLY impress her.
But these things aren’t OBVIOUS.
The most IMPORTANT thing you can do to IMPRESS a woman is make her feel a powerful emotional ATTRACTION for you.
This feeling will stay with her long after you have left and gone home.
And it’s the one thing that will make women pursue YOU… and try to impress YOU.
What’s the best way to do this?
  • Stop trying to IMPRESS women. Stop now.
  • Go download yourself a free trial of my online eBook “Double Your Dating”, and read it. It contains literally DOZENS and dozens of great techniques for you to use that will make women feel ATTRACTION for you.
(By the way, on page 96 of my eBook I share another KILLER tip about how to impress a woman, without trying to. This one tip corrects a deadly mistake almost EVERY man makes with women - you’ll see what I mean…)
Get more info about my eBook: Double Your Dating Free Trial

The “Kiss Test”

How To Tell If A Woman Is Ready For Your Kiss - And How To AVOID Rejection... Guaranteed

Know what?
I used to have NO CLUE how to tell if a woman was ready to be kissed...
I could be sitting there talking to her, thinking to myself "Wow, her lips really look nice..." but I didn't know what to do next. This would often leave me kissless, and many times kissless for good, as I didn't get another chance.
And, of course, this drove me NUTS.
I can't tell you how many chances I missed to have interesting, fun, sexy women in my life... all because I didn't know how or when to go for the first kiss.
Sound familiar?
But through a TON of trial and error, I've now figured out a way to know FOR SURE when a woman is ready to be kissed.
In fact, I've developed a "technique" that literally guarantees I'll never get rejected when I decide the time is right to "go for it." And I want to teach it to you right now.
Here's what I do...
If I've been talking to a girl and want to know if she's ready to be kissed, I'll reach over and touch her hair while we're talking and make a comment about it. I'll say "Your hair looks so soft" and just touch the tips of it.
Now let's hold up right here, because this is key...
If I see that a woman is receptive to what I'm doing at this point... that she's "responding positively" by allowing this "innocent" physical contact... it's game on.
If I see that she's smiling and drawing closer as I touch her hair instead of tensing pulling away, I can take it as a SURE SIGN...
She's "FEELING IT"...
...that irresistible, unstoppable emotion called ATTRACTION.
But listen... if she does pull away at this point... or shows any sign that she's not into it... that's when I know to STOP and move on. And YOU should, too. This isn't about forcing anyone to do anything.
But if she's smiling at me... relaxing her face and her body... leaning into me instead of pulling away... then here's what I'll do next:
I'll reach back over and start stroking her hair some more.
But this time, I'll glance down at her lips, back up to her eyes a couple of times. Reinforcing in her that there's a CONNECTION happening between us.
I'll continue touching her hair... letting my lips get closer to hers... but not touching. Basically, just amplifying that first spark of attraction that I now know FOR SURE that she's feeling.
And I can tell you, this is a powerful thing. It's affect on women is UNBELIEVABLE.
This kind of "testing" is EXTREMELY stimulating to women... escalating the SEXUAL TENSION almost to the point that they'll be in actual pain if you leave them hanging.
And guess what...
By now, she'll be more than just "okay" with my kissing her... If she hasn't pulled back, she's probably feeling such intense feelings of ATTRACTION that she'll probably be the one who tries to kiss ME! And then...
Well. You get the picture.
Bottom line:
By using "The Kiss Test," I can find out FOR SURE if a women wants to take things to the next level... all in a way that's completely "innocent" and non-threatening...
Plus, I haven't acted in any way that she can object to, so there's NO RISK OF REJECTION.
But VERY best of all...
I always know within the FIRST 5 MINUTES if a woman's ready to be kissed, so I don't waste hours and days trying to figure out "if she likes me"... or just regretting that I "wussed out" and didn't "go for it."
And believe me... I know that feeling. And I know all that constant wondering and self-doubt TOTALLY SUCKS.
That's why, if you feel like "The Kiss Test" might CHANGE EVERYTHING for you when it comes to "making your move" with a woman, I'm here to tell you it's really just the tip of the iceberg...
The "Kiss Test" is just one way to recognize the signs and signals of ATTRACTION in a woman --and EXACTLY what to do with them...
Want to learn a ton more?
There's a place you can go RIGHT NOW to do it...
My eBook, "Double Your Dating" is literally jam-packed with DOZENS and DOZENS of tips, tools and techniques for moving FAST from "Does she like me?" to "She can't get enough of me"...
Downloading it FAST AND EASY. You can be putting it to work for YOUR success with women in just a few minutes,

“3 Things Women Hate About Men”

Learn the 3 Things Women Hate About Men and How to Avoid Being the Single Guy That Women Hate


By David DeAngelo
There are a few particular things that REALLY annoy single, attractive women.
One of the reasons that these things annoy women is because they're DEAL KILLERS.
A woman can like everything about you, but if you do these things (or even ONE of these things), it can DESTROY your chances of success.
Here are three of the BIG things that single women hate:

Giving Up Your Status In Exchange For Her Attention And Approval

If I had to describe the one single thing that both annoys women and DESTROYS a guy's chances, it would be this.
It has taken me a long time to see this particular pattern, but it's EVERYWHERE.
Men, in effect, say “Hi, I want your approval and attention. I'm willing to let YOU be the one who's in control… and let YOU call the shots… and do anything to please YOU… if you'll give me your attention and approval”.
But the problem is that women DON'T WANT you to give up your status and “ manliness”.
Women aren't ATTRACTED to men who act weak and tentative.
Women secretly HATE IT when a guy does something to demonstrate that he'll give away his power in return for approval.
I could literally write an entire book on this one single concept.
Take a few minutes to think this one over, and maybe write down the ways that you make this mistake with women.
More importantly, think about how you're going to STOP DOING IT IMMEDIATELY.

Being Needy, Clingy, And Insecure

When one person “clings” to another person 
 “psychologically”, the person who is being
 “clinged to” RESENTS and REJECTS the
 needy, clingy emotional parasite…
This is WUSS behavior at its worst.
If a guy is on the phone with a girl he just
met, and she says “Hey, I have to go”, he might say “Aw, well… um …OK. Um, will you call me when you get home? ” And an even worse example is a guy who is so emotionally insecure that he actually ASKS a woman to tell him that he's nice, fun, interesting, etc.
“Do you think I'm interesting? ”
“Do you think we could ever have a relationship? ”
“Am I your type? ”
Women HATE this stuff. It makes them shiver with the heebie-jeebies. It makes them want to RUN AWAY.

Not Understanding Attraction

This is a BIGGIE.
Women can INSTANTLY FEEL IT when they're with a guy who “gets it”.
Women know very quickly if they're talking to a guy who understands himself and women… and who enjoys creating and building sexual tension.
Women know if a guy speaks the SECRET LANGUAGE of “Sexual Communication”.
If he doesn't, then she stops all communication on that level.
If he does, then it continues.
ATTRACTION Isn't A Choice.
Attraction is an emotional and physical RESPONSE… and you can't “convince” a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.
Attraction is the result of a woman meeting a man who understands how attraction works… and who knows what to do in each specific situation to progress to the next level.
The PROBLEM with ATTRACTION, and with success with women in general is that the things you need to DO to be successful are NOT OBVIOUS.
They're “counter intuitive”, in many cases.
In other words, they're the OPPOSITE of what you'd THINK would make sense.
You have to do things like CREATE TENSION… stop doing something that she likes… give her time to miss you… etc.
Now that I've shared these three mistakes, you need the next piece of the puzzle. You need to get an education on how attraction works for women… and the RIGHT things to do up front to give her those emotional/physical feelings inside.
As educational as this has been, this is only the beginning.
If you're starting to realize how important it is to get this area of your life handled, then I recommend you make a commitment and take your education to a WORLD CLASS level.
And what's the best way to do that?
Well, I've spent the last several years of my life figuring out exactly what does and doesn't work with women.
I figured this stuff out for MYSELF… and then I took what I've learned and put it all together to help others learn as well.
“My Double Your Dating eBook” represents THOUSANDS of hours of research, testing, getting to know guys who were successful with women, and generally organizing every level of this knowledge into an easy-to-understand system that ANY guy can use to increase his success with women and dating.
And I'll tell you something…
It works.
This eBook is the most advanced and effective program of its kind available anywhere at ANY price. Get more info about it right here: Double Your Dating Free Trial